
“Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.”  Luke 2:19

The common life of our Community is centred on the worship of God through the Eucharist, the Daily Office and personal prayer. This is its first work and from this all else flows.

The Community comes together six times a day in St Mary Magdalene’s Chapel to listen to and to praise God.

Lauds  6.30am
Terce  8.45am

10.00am Eucharist (except on Mondays)

Sext 12.30pm
Vespers 5.00pm
Compline 8.00pm

The services of the Office are taken from the Community’s own Office Book.

Services are open to the public. Please report to Reception on arrival.

Please note that service times may vary occasionally to accommodate Festivals and other Community events.  Please telephone Reception on 01235 763141 to check service times.