‘I have called you friends.’ John 15:15
Associates are those who wish to be received as friends of the Community. Along with the Sisters, they seek to live in the spirit of Mary’s words:
“Here I am, the servant of the Lord.
Let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38
Associates may be women or men, lay or ordained, married or single, and of any denomination. Emma Butler, wife of our Founder, became the first Associate in 1852 and her name heads the roll of Associates.
Associates undertake to pray regularly for the Community and for one another. The Sisters in turn pray regularly for the Associates. There are also opportunities for fellowship through Associates’ Day, quarterly newsletters, local groups, Associates’ Retreats and Quiet Days.
The Associates’ fellowship is run by the Associates’ Steering Group and there is an Associates’ Link Sister to give a direct link with the Community.
Click here to read our leaflet for more information.
If you would like to know more about becoming an Associate, please contact Debbie Webb on debbieleek21@gmail.com or 07966 510 190.